Friday, 31 August 2012

I have no weights of my own!

A baker went to the court and lodged a complaint with the judge. He said,"Sir,the 100 gram ghee which I purchased from this vendor weighs 700 gram only".
The judge called the vendor and ordered him to to bring his weights and balance to see that it was correct or not.
The vendor said," Your honour,I have no weights of my own. I weighed the ghee by using the 1000 gram bread which I had purchased from this baker ! "

Friday, 24 August 2012

what is the meaning of this?

Sri Ramana Maharshi's Tamil teacher visited him many years after the Maharshi left his school in Madhurai.Maharshi recognized his teacher and gave him a copy of one of his books in Tamil.The teacher was impressed with the composition of the Maharshi.He asked him the meaning of a verse in his book.The Maharshi looked at the people standing nearby and said,"Look at him.i did not want to be bothered by such questions.He comes all the way from Madhurai to this place [Tiruvannamalai] and asks me again,"What is the meaning of this?"